Why become a member? ASHRAE membership provides direct access into the Society's HVAC&R technical library of knowledge that is continually updated and expanded. Rooted in the Handbook, this knowledge base extends into cutting edge research papers and technical discussions published in the ASHRAE Journal and other Society periodicals.
How do you keep up to date with changes in the industry?
Where did you read about the details of a new integrated refrigeration control system strategy? Where did you see an advertisement for a new type of air quality sensor that's exactly what you need for a job you're bidding out next week?
You probably read it in an ASHRAE publication...just part of your ASHRAE Membership experience.
To join ASHRAE online click HERE. Include the following with/on your application:
1. Please state your intention to participate in the Southern Piedmont Chapter.
2. National membership dues are currently $260...please include an additional $30 for Chapter dues...Total=$290.00
We look forward to meeting you and helping you grow in your career!!!
Please contact me if you have membership related questions at mariana.haddad@carrier.com.