Erica Powell (Atrium Health)
Jonathan Alo (MSWG Engineers)
Billy Austin (Shultz Engineering)
Valarie Simmons (Cosatron)
Tigue Garick (JMP)
Aaron John (Syska Hennessy Group)
Sean Lein (MBP)
Kyler Asia (Carrier)
Tim Cannon (Spartan Systems)
Zach Willey (United Mechanical Corp)
Jason Pippin (AirTight FaciliTech)
Ryan Staton (Hoffman & Hoffman)
Benjamin Coy (AME Consulting Engineers)
Anna Devereaux (Hoffman & Hoffman)
Patrick Irick (Trane Technologies)
Emily Richardson (Trane Technologies)
Don Gariepy (UNC Charlotte)
Amir Zare (Insight Partners)
Andy Hayes (Hahn-Mason)
Dennis Kacsur (Merlo Energy)
Greg Wilson (N.H. Yates)
Madelynn Laurie (DPR Construction)
Nate Brown (Charlotte Engineers)
Chuck Curlin (Shultz Engineering)
Chris Adams (Insight Partners)
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