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November ASHRAE Chapter Meeting - Using the ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2022 IAQ Procedure

  • 21 Nov 2024
  • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Piedmont Natural Gas - 4320 Yancey Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217
  • 22


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TOPIC: Using the ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2022 IAQ Procedure


By: Hoy Bohanon

ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer

Please Note the New Meeting Location!

Piedmont Natural Gas - 4320 Yancey Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217


This session provides detailed instruction on how to design using the IAQ procedure of ASHRAE Standard 62.1.   Included are design considerations with respect to IAQ, indoor and outdoor contaminants/indicator of pollution list and thresholds, measurements requirements, and how these requirements differ from different Standard requirements.  Many of the requirements in the standard also apply that are not in section 6.3.

Speaker Bio:

Hoy Bohanon, PE, LEED AP, is a principal in Hoy Bohanon Engineering, PLLC, a firm that focuses on improving the performance of existing mission critical buildings.  Mr. Bohanon began his engineering career as a research and design engineer, and then gained experience as a project engineer, facilities engineer, facilities manager, indoor air quality research engineer, environmental engineer, and business owner. He has a master’s degree in engineering from North Carolina State University, and a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology.  

Meeting Schedule

11:30 - Registration/Network

Noon - Lunch and Presentation

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